Children are in tune with their world in ways that adults miss.
Have you ever thought about how much easier things seemed when you were a child? Logically, that doesn’t make sense!
After all, children have fewer skills, freedom and choices than adults have. Yet in an intuitive sense, it totally makes sense. Children have a wonder about their world and willingness to be aware of all that is around them.
For a child, the world has endless possibilities. The Law of Attraction isn’t a theory that children can explain, but it’s certainly one that they naturally understand. Go back to that classic movie, Miracle on 34th Street.
The little girl’s belief that she and her mother would have a home was so strong, she even described the house – she had a picture of it, in fact! Her mother was quick to give reasons why it was not possible.
The little girl asked the department store Santa for help, yet she already had claimed the vision of her home before she verbalized it. Needless to say, she got the house and was the only one not surprised by it.
This little girl was simply practicing the Law of Attraction.
She knew the house existed and refused to be shaken in her belief that the universe could provide that house for her – even if the universe was represented by a jolly old soul in a red velvet outfit.
How often do adults dismiss a child’s belief in what is not yet seen as just a fantasy? Perhaps we need to see the universal value in their childlike view. The Law of Attraction is alive, well and working just fine, if we allow it space to work.
As adults, we are quick to place conditions on our desires. “I believe that the ideal job with better salary is waiting for me, if I’m in the right place at the right time.” How quick we are to place limits or maybe escape clauses in case it doesn’t work.
A child would say, “Daddy is going to a great new job with lots more money and we can get a new car now.” The child doesn’t put a time limit or escape clause on the belief. In fact, the child’s belief is so strong that she thinks the family needs to start car shopping because Daddy’s new job is on the way.
Look at how the child’s belief opens a direct connection with the universe to receive. For an adult to reconnect with a childlike world view isn’t the same as acting childish or immature.
The child’s ability to trust in what is neither seen nor heard as having the potential to become real is actually quite mature in the context of the Law of Attraction. Adults have to make an effort to position themselves to receive from the universe.
Children remain open at any time to receive both unexpected gifts as well as those things that have been named and believed to be on the way. What comes naturally to children, takes practice for adults.
Developing a childlike worldview is to wake up every morning and be fully open minded about what the universe may bring into your world – whether it’s people, places, money or new opportunities.
See it all with childlike wonder and you’ll never again miss the simple treasures that could be yours.
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